Our Special Scheme - 2
For Apply to UPSC & TNPSC Exam - 2024
For Apply to UPSC - Civil Services Exam & Indian Forest Service (and)
TNPSC - Group 4 Exam...
* Through Online; No need to come in person!
For UPSC - CSE & IFoS Exam:-
* Fee: 100 Rupees
(Nil for Women / SC / ST Category)
* Service Charge: 90 Rupees
For TNPSC - Group 4 Exam:-
* OTR Fee: 150 Rupees
(One Time Registration)
* Exam Fee: Free / 100 Rupees
* Service Charge:
With OTR - 150 Rupees
Without OTR - 100 Rupees
(If you already did the OTR, Do not need to again)
For PSTM Certificate:-
* Fee: 60 Rupees
* Service Charge: 20 Rupees
* For Contact...
Phone: +91 9489617353
Email ID:
Daily Time to Phone Call:
From 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Till the Date:
For UPSC - 05.03.2024
For TNPSC - 28.02.2024
* This is Only My 'Educational Service!'
Always in Service...
Mathiraja Thilakar
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* Notice:
'Guide to Life - Online Services'
* Release: 'Guide to Life'
IAS Academy & Services
* Date: 22.02.2024
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* Website: www.guide2life.in
* Telegram: t.me/Guide2lifeTM
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